7 Reasons Why Education is Conducive to Success

“World abundance through business re-education” – Brad Sugars, Founder of ActionCOACH 

Creating world abundance through business re-education is our mission here at ActionCOACH. It is a simple, yet powerful statement that roots our belief in the importance of education.  Continuous learning is a tool that is utilised by some of the most successful people on the planet.

You can think of education as the key and mastery as the lock. When used together these tools will allow you to open the door to success.

1. Freedom

“The only real prison is fear, and fear is simply a derivative of that which we do not understand.” – Anon

Knowledge allows us to make sense of the world around us, be that the business world or everyday life. If you were asked to mix two colours together to make green paint, you would need to know multiple things before you could start. You would need to know; (1) What mixing is (2) What paint is (3) What colour green is (4) Which two colours make green. Without being able to identify even just one of those things, you would be unable to begin the task, let alone complete it. That example was a very basic way of proving how our ability to perform any task depends upon whether we are equipped with the knowledge required. The more knowledge we acquire in life, the freer we become, and the more able to make our own informed decisions.


2. Control

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn

Control over both your life and your business comes from a clear understanding of what you want to achieve, once you know what you want, you can create a plan. How easily you get from A to B is based on how clearly you understand the distance between those two points. Daily learning, whether that’s through reading a few chapters before bed or listening to a podcast while walking the dog, is a tool that enables you to plan your next step with confidence.

Warren Buffet reveals that the art of reading is the best-kept secret to success. When asked how to get smarter, Buffett once held up stacks of paper and said, “Read 500 pages like this every week. That’s how knowledge builds up, like compound interest.”

Many business owners decide to hire specialists and consultants, handing over the control of their business into the hands of others. At ActionCOACH, we don’t solve your issues for you, we teach you how to solve them so you can continue solving them. We give you back the control.

3. Confidence

“Without training, they lacked knowledge. Without knowledge, they lacked confidence. Without confidence, they lacked victory.” – Julius Caeser

Constant education is vital for developing your confidence to a high level. When you are secure in your knowledge of the task at hand, you can’t help but emit a subtle yet palpable confidence. People will sense it. You’ll have an attitude about you that is highly attractive – people tend to be drawn to those that exhibit excellence in any way. Keep developing your knowledge and skills and you’ll be far more centred and confident than anyone in your industry.

4. Opportunities

“Be limitless” – Steve Jobs

As you follow your interest in each new topic down each respective rabbit-hole, it’s likely you’ll find it easier to meet more people with which you can share and debate your new-found knowledge. Seminars and online webinars are a great way to network and share ideas with like-minded people. Meeting more people opens the doors to new business prospects along with opportunities for personal relations and hobbies.

Check out ActionCOACH Southport’s events page to find the best networking events, seminars and live webinars in your local area.


5. Priorities

“To change your life, you need to change your priorities.” – Mark Twain

Priorities are a form of productivity. Knowing how to align your priorities within both your work and personal life is a technique for success that works wonders.

Make a list of your priorities. It’s important to know what they are because your life will then be focused around those top goals.

Knowing what you consider the most, to the least important allows you to re-focus your intentions to make great things happen.


6. Personal Growth

“Education is the key to mastery, and mastery is the key to success.”

The rate at which we grow as people is dependent on the amount of knowledge that we learn.

Just like a sapling that needs water and sunlight, we need to nurture ourselves with knowledge and opportunities in order to grow. For those who commit to the path of constant learning, personal growth will come naturally. For change to happen, there needs to be a difference in our environment. That’s why people who are afraid to try new things and those who choose to stay rooted in their comfort zone find personal growth nearly impossible. How can growth occur without change?


7. Longevity

“The mastery of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings.”       – Kakuzo Okakura

Every industry is constantly evolving, so unless you commit to continual learning you will inevitably start falling behind the industry leaders. As you grow accustomed to regular learning, you will discover your mind becomes a lot more open and receptive to new information. Becoming adaptable and comfortable with change is a vital part of maintaining longevity within business. Many great enterprises have fallen due to their lack of flexibility, but with a business owner at the helm who is committed to personal and educational growth, success is inevitable.