Communicating With Your Clients and Customers

How do you communicate with your potential customers or clients? Each individual has a different set of wants and needs, which means that different messages are needed to convince them to part with their precious money and time. 

You need to ask yourself questions such as:

  • WHO am I communicating with?
  • WHERE am I reaching out to them?
  • WHEN am I doing this?
  • HOW am I trying to sell this?
  • WHY should they want to invest?


The WHO is your target audience. Think of factors such as age, gender, location, financial status etc.

The WHERE is the platforms you are using to reach them, for example social media, email, post, phone etc.

The WHEN is what time? What day? It’s the specifics.

The HOW is how you are marketing your brand/business/product/service. 

The WHY is why your prospective client or customer should invest from what you’ve shown them above.

If you’re currently not reaching the results you are hoping, re-evaluate the steps above. What are you currently saying to them and what do they want to hear?



Now, a crucial part of running a business is also maintaining customers. We’ve already thought about how to communicate with prospects, but how are you communicating with the customers and clients you already have?

How you chose to communicate with people who have previously invested in your business will determine whether or not they choose to stay and support your business or if they bring their time and money to your competitor. Spending a little extra time to ensure that your business cares about its customers is far more beneficial that striving for new ones. If your existing clients have a positive experience with your business, they are likely to become advocates for your brand, and naturally bring new customers through your doors themselves.

Take some time to think about how you can best grow your customer circle while still investing in your current clients.



Your marketing strategy and presence online is a huge part of the communication with your clients and customer base. Creating engaging content, staying active on social media and  updating your website regularly are all incredibly impactful when it comes to maintaining your customer base. It also helps to keep them close! Allan Dib, the author of “The 1-Page Marketing Plan” outlines the 3 phases of the marketing journey. These phases are the before, during and after phases of any marketing process. 



People going through the before phase are labelled as ‘prospects’. At the beginning of the “before” phase, prospects don’t even know you exist. The successful completion of this phase results in the prospect knowing who you are and indicating interest.


People going through the during phase are labelled as leads. At the beginning of the “during” phase, leads have indicated some interest in your offer. The successful completion of this phase results in the prospect buying from you for the first time.


People in the after stage have made it to the status of customer (hurrah!). At the beginning of the “after” phase, customers have already given you money/engaged in your services. The after phase never ends and, when executed correctly, results in a virtuous cycle where the customer buys from you repeatedly and is such a fan of your products or services that they consistently recommend you and introduce you to new prospects.

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