1. Create boundaries
In the run-up to the Christmas holidays, creating boundaries is a good way for business owners to prioritise some much-needed time with friends and family. If you’re unable to 100% withdraw your attention from your business over the break, ensure you set alarms to remind you to take regular breaks away from work. Particularly during the shorter days, getting outside for some fresh air in the daylight and interacting with the outside world is a great way to rejuvenate! You should also let your employees and associates know when you’re contactable and when you’re not. Try not to send or respond to emails last thing before bed, too. This early boundary setting will help you wind down gradually, so you’re better prepared to switch off once the festivities really begin!
2. Plan for a digital detox
Obviously checking your social media is bound to happen over the break, but limiting use is a great way to detox. So much time is spent using social media in business, but turning off unnecessary notifications is a good tactic to use. Our phones are incredibly good at getting our attention and keeping us hooked, switching them off may not always be possible but detox is highly beneficial. This will give more time to be present and enjoy with family and friends.
3. Prioritise rest
In addition to the relaxation benefits, our bodies and brains have the opportunity to repair and recover while we sleep. To show up in the world as our best selves, it’s crucial that we give ourselves this time to recharge. More hours of deep, meaningful rest improves our memory, mood, creativity and problem-solving skills. Now is definitely the time for a lie-in!
4. Recharge in nature
One of the most powerful ways to de-stress and switch off is to spend time outdoors. Simply taking a deep breath of fresh air, and taking a minute to absorb your surroundings can have immense benefits to your mindset. Eating, drinking, and socialising can actually be quite draining, so use the time during the Christmas period to give yourself a break with the restorative effects of nature. Even if it’s cold, throw on some layers and go for a walk in somewhere where there is plenty of natural beauty and notice how a little time in nature makes you feel.
5. Presence over productivity
The Christmas holiday time gives us time to refocus on the value of presence over productivity. Time to pause and re-discover unstructured time. To give ourselves and our brains a break, tune in to the five senses and merely observe. A long walk is a great way to do this. At its most basic level, feet touching the earth, eyes and ears and all senses taking in the life all around invites us to re-engage with so many things that go unnoticed when we are lost in 24/7 overdrive as many business owners are.
You may have big plans in place for you and your business in 2022 – a great activity to get goal-focused is to build a vision board. It’s great for personal, professional and even family vision building! Take a look here – https://www.shopify.com/retail/vision-board-for-business
From the team here at ActionCOACH Southport, we hope you have a restful and relaxing Christmas and a very Happy New Year!